Friday, 9 December 2011


·         The menu planner must pay careful attention to the following items when preparing a menu :
Ø  Paper
§  Strength
§  Texture
§  Color
§  Opacity
Ø  Print
§  Roman type
§  Modern type
§  Script type
Ø  Color
§  The color selected for the paper and type on a menu should match
Ø  Balance
§  A menu is balanced when the numbers of menu offerings in the various categories are proportionately balanced.
Ø  Variety
§  Important not only for the number of selection offered within a category but also for the way in which food items are prepared.
Ø  Composition
§  The composition of menu item grouping is important in planning a menu. The menu planner must evaluate how well certain dishes go with particular entrees.
Ø  Descriptive copy
§  An explanation of how an items is prepared and served
Ø  Truth- in –menu
§  Each and every item described on the menu must be completely accurate
Ø  Menu labeling
§  All the restaurants had to comply with the menu labeling regulations
§  All nutrient and health claims on menus had to be scientifically substantiated as well
Ø  Listing of items
§  Items should be presented on the menu in order in which they will be consumed
Ø  Size
§  The menu should be large enough to merchandise the food items without them appearing crowded on the page
§  The most popular menu size is 8 ½ inches by 11 inches
Ø  Cover design
§  The cover of a menu should reflect the décor and the theme of the operation
§  The front cover should carry the name of the restaurant and recognizable symbol or logo of the restaurant
§  The menu cover should be durable, water resistant and stain resistant

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